Electric Superbike Twente 2024
Thank you for supporting us!
Choose an amount
3x Charging of our battery pack - Thank you! Your name will be on our website (if desired).
3 donors
The transport of the superbike to the dynomameter - Thank you! You will receive an EST laptop sticker and your name will appear on our website (if desired).
4 donors
Transport of the superbike to the test-track (Assen/Meppen in Germany) - Thank you! Your name will be on our battery pack, you will receive an EST laptop sticker and your name will be on our website (if desired).
3 donors
An hour of testing on the track - Thank you! You will be invited to our superbike reveal, your name will appear on our battery pack, you will receive an EST laptop sticker and your name will appear on our website (if desired).
7 donors
One morning of testing on the track - Thank you! You will be invited to our test day and the superbike reveal, your name will appear on our battery pack, you will receive an EST laptop sticker and your name will appear on our website (if desired).