Solar Boat Twente 2025
- Solar Boat Twente 2025
- Donate
Thank you for supporting us!
Choose an amount
Wallpapers - Thank you for your contribution! We’d like to thank you by sending a set of high-resolution wallpapers, suitable for both your phone and computer!
Name on the website - Thank you for your support! We’d love to show our appreciation by putting your name on our website, if you’d like, and you’ll also receive the wallpapers!
1 donor
Postcard from Hungary - Thank you so much! When we’re in Hungary for our final race, we’ll send you a postcard! You’ll also have your name on the website and receive the wallpapers.
3 donors
Mini 3D-printed model of the boat - Thank you so much! You’ll receive a mini model of our boat, a postcard from Hungary, your name on our website, and the wallpapers!
4 donors
Workshop Tour - Thank you immensely! You’re invited to tour our office and workshop where we bring our project to life! You’ll also receive a mini model of the boat, a postcard from Hungary, your name on the website, and the wallpapers!
2 donors
Name on the Trailer - Thank you immensely! Your name will appear on the trailer we use to transport our boat! You’ll also be invited for a tour, receive a mini model of the boat, a postcard from Hungary, your name on the website, and the wallpapers!
1 donor
Name in the Cockpit - Thank you so much for your contribution! Your name will appear in our cockpit! You’ll also have your name on the trailer, be invited for a tour, and receive a mini model of the boat, a postcard from Hungary, your name on the website, and you will receive the wallpapers.
Invitation to a Test day - Thank you so much for your support! You’re invited to a test day to see our boat in action! You’ll also have your name in the cockpit and on the trailer, be invited for a tour, and receive a mini model of the boat, a postcard from Hungary, your name on the website, and the wallpapers!