Solar Boat Twente

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from €7,500 (45%)

Join us in bringing the first Twente Solar Boat to the starting line of the Solar & Electric Boat Challenge in Monaco. For transporting the Conrad Solar Boat Twente from Enschede to Monaco, we need a trailer. Any donation will help us finance the trailer and realize our dream. Of course, we will thank you in a suitable way!

Solar energy is the future and with the Conrad Solar Boat Twente, we contribute to a more sustainable world. As a team of 15 students with various backgrounds, we build a boat powered only by solar energy in a full time year.

Together with our partners, we implement new technologies in our boat that will compete in the Monaco Solar & Electric Boat Challenge: the world championship for solar boats. From July 13th until July 15th, we will participate in three races: one-on-one speed duels, slalom and endurance. Our ambition is to take home a podium position by turning innovative technology into speed and agility.

Besides taking part in the Monaco race, the Twente solar boat will also participate during the Eneco Solar Boat Race 2017 on May 26th and 27th in Akkrum, the Dutch National Championship. This well-attended event with a casual atmosphere allows the visitors to watch the race and solar boats closely.

Universiteit Twente

€10 Donate Thank you! We will put your name on our website. - Thank you! We will put your name on our website. 10 donors €25 Donate Thank you! We will put your name on our website and you will receive a unique key ring! - Thank you! We will put your name on our website and you will receive a unique key ring! 12 donors €50 Donate Thank you! We will put your name on our website, send you a unique key ring and a postcard from Monaco! - Thank you! We will put your name on our website, send you a unique key ring and a postcard from Monaco! 7 donors €100 Donate Thank you! We will put your name on our website, send you a unique key ring and a postcard from Monaco and your name will be shown on our trailer. - Thank you! We will put your name on our website, send you a unique key ring and a postcard from Monaco and your name will be shown on our trailer. 12 donors €250 Donate Thank you! We will put your name on our website, send you a unique key ring and a postcard from Monaco, your name will be shown on our trailer accompanied by your personal message! - Thank you! We will put your name on our website, send you a unique key ring and a postcard from Monaco, your name will be shown on our trailer accompanied by your personal message! €500 Donate Thank you! We will put your name on our website, send you a unique key ring and a postcard from Monaco, your name will be shown on our trailer accompanied by your personal message and you will receive the unique full colour Solar Boat Twente photo album. - Thank you! We will put your name on our website, send you a unique key ring and a postcard from Monaco, your name will be shown on our trailer accompanied by your personal message and you will receive the unique full colour Solar Boat Twente photo album. 1 donor