Frequently asked questions


Why should you donate?

The government is an important financer of scientific research, but definitely not the only one. Contributions from individuals and businesses are a valuable addition to the resources for fundamental and/or applied research. Such research is often a subject of close involvement for the donor because of his/her own experiences or personal fascination.

What is the role of the University Fund?

The goal of the University Fund is to support education and research at University Twente. In order to make this possible, the foundation obtains resources, and channels the full 100% of the funds raised to the relevant education or research project.

What are the fiscal advantages of my donation?

The University Fund has been acknowledged as a Public Benefit Institution (PBI/ANBI). Since 18 October 2012, the following fiscal advantages can be applied according to the taxation authorities (Belastingdienst):

  • A PBI does not have to pay taxes on gifts and inheritance that that it receives in the context of the public interest.
  • Payments that an PBI makes in the general interest are exempt from gift tax.
  • If an institution is acknowledged by the taxation authorities as an ANBI, a donor can deduct gifts from income or corporation tax, within the applicable rules (see the website of the tax authorities).

For more information on tax issues, you can call 0800-0543 or go to